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NHC Group

Ethical Supply Chain Policy

NHC Group Ltd., a leader in the care sector for over two decades, is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in our supply chain operations. This policy integrates our dedication to responsible and sustainable practices in sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution, reflecting our core values and existing policies.


This policy encompasses all areas of our operations, ensuring compliance and alignment with our corporate ethos and regulatory obligations.

Compliance with International Standards

  • Strict adherence to ISO 9001 and ISO 22196:2011 standards, ensuring quality management and microbial cleanliness in all our products and services.
  • Regular audits and reviews to maintain these certifications and continuously improve our processes.

Environmental Responsibility

  • Alignment with our environmental policy, emphasizing sustainable sourcing, energy efficiency, and minimisation of our ecological footprint.
  • Responsible waste management in accordance with our waste carriers licence, focusing on recycling and reducing landfill contribution.

Ethical Labour Practices

  • Upholding our equality and diversity policy, ensuring a discrimination-free workplace that values diversity and inclusivity.
  • Compliance with our anti-slavery policy, actively preventing any form of forced labour or human trafficking in our supply chain.
  • Providing a safe and healthy working environment, backed by our employers' liability insurance, for all our staff members.

Sustainable Procurement

  • Working with suppliers who share our ethical standards, including environmental stewardship, fair labour practices, and quality compliance.
  • Conducting due diligence and regular assessments of suppliers to ensure adherence to these standards.

Community Engagement and Development

  • Continued investment in community initiatives, especially in the North East and surrounding areas, reinforcing our family-run ethos.
  • Supporting local economies through responsible business practices and supplier selection.

Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Ensuring transparency in our supply chain operations and maintaining open communication with stakeholders.
  • Regular reporting on our supply chain practices and progress towards ethical and sustainable goals.

Continuous Improvement and Training

  • Ongoing training programs for staff to embed ethical considerations into everyday decision-making.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating our policies to reflect current best practices and legal requirements.

At NHC Group Ltd., we are dedicated to upholding these principles, ensuring that our impact extends beyond delivering superior nursing equipment and services. Our commitment to ethical supply chain management is integral to our identity as a family-owned business and a trusted partner in the care sector.

We recognise that ethical practices are not static, and we are committed to continually assessing and improving our approach. Our goal is not only to meet the standards we have set but to exceed them, creating a positive impact on our customers, employees, communities, and the environment.